Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Languages
Maltese as a Foreign Language > LEVEL 8
Subject Focus: Writing
1] I can write reports that give factual information and explain reasons leading to actions.
2] I can write personal letters describing experiences, emotions and events in detail.
3] I can describe in writing basic details of unexpected events for example, an incident.
4] I can describe desires and ambitions in writing.
5] I can write brief notes so as to leave someone a message for example, in reference to a phone call.
6] I can describe in writing the story of a book, drama or film whilst expressing my reactions in writing.
7] I can write in brief about reasons and explanations leading to opinions, plans and actions.

2] I can write personal letters describing experiences, emotions and events in detail.

3] I can describe in writing basic details of unexpected events for example, an incident.

4] I can describe desires and ambitions in writing.

5] I can write brief notes so as to leave someone a message for example, in reference to a phone call.

6] I can describe in writing the story of a book, drama or film whilst expressing my reactions in writing.

7] I can write in brief about reasons and explanations leading to opinions, plans and actions.

Subject Focus: Reading
1] I can read and understand simple texts on subjects related to areas of interest.
2] I can read, understand and draw the necessary generic information from everyday material, for example, from letters, leaflets and short official documents.
3] I can look for the necessary specific information in a relatively long text or in a number of short texts in order to complete a task.
4] I can understand the main points of a newspaper article on a subject I am familiar with.
5] I can identify the conclusions of argumentative texts written in a clear manner.
6] I can follow the argument of a text.
7] I can understand descriptions of events, emotions and desires in personal correspondence well enough to reply informally.
8] I can understand instructions written in a clear and direct manner in order to use a particular piece of equipment.

2] I can read, understand and draw the necessary generic information from everyday material, for example, from letters, leaflets and short official documents.
3] I can look for the necessary specific information in a relatively long text or in a number of short texts in order to complete a task.
4] I can understand the main points of a newspaper article on a subject I am familiar with.
5] I can identify the conclusions of argumentative texts written in a clear manner.
6] I can follow the argument of a text.
7] I can understand descriptions of events, emotions and desires in personal correspondence well enough to reply informally.

8] I can understand instructions written in a clear and direct manner in order to use a particular piece of equipment.
Subject Focus: Listening
1] I can manage to understand the meaning of unfamiliar words from the sense of the context, and I can understand the meaning of the sentence as long as I am familiar with the subject being discussed.
2] I can follow the principal/main points of a long discussion occurring around me, as long as the speech is articulated clearly and in standard Maltese.
3] I can follow clear speech in an everyday conversation, although in practical and realistic situations I have to ask for words and particular phrases to be repeated.
4] I can understand factual and direct information about subjects related to everyday life, by identifying both generic and detailed messages, as long as the speech is clearly articulated and in standard Maltese.
5] I can understand the main points of clearly articulated speech in standard Maltese on themes I am familiar with.
6] I can follow a lesson or a conversation related to my interests and my area of education, as long as I am familiar with the subject that is being presented in a direct and clear manner.
7] I can understand words and phrases from technical registers.
8] I can understand the content of recorded and broadcast audio-visual material about subjects I am familiar with, where speech is articulated slowly and clearly.
9] I can follow dramas and films in Maltese where the story is helped by visuals and action and where the language is relatively slow and clear.
10] I can identify the main points of broadcasts on subjects I am familiar with and others that are of personal interest as long as the language is relatively slow and clear.
2] I can follow the principal/main points of a long discussion occurring around me, as long as the speech is articulated clearly and in standard Maltese.

3] I can follow clear speech in an everyday conversation, although in practical and realistic situations I have to ask for words and particular phrases to be repeated.
4] I can understand factual and direct information about subjects related to everyday life, by identifying both generic and detailed messages, as long as the speech is clearly articulated and in standard Maltese.

5] I can understand the main points of clearly articulated speech in standard Maltese on themes I am familiar with.
6] I can follow a lesson or a conversation related to my interests and my area of education, as long as I am familiar with the subject that is being presented in a direct and clear manner.

7] I can understand words and phrases from technical registers.

8] I can understand the content of recorded and broadcast audio-visual material about subjects I am familiar with, where speech is articulated slowly and clearly.

9] I can follow dramas and films in Maltese where the story is helped by visuals and action and where the language is relatively slow and clear.

10] I can identify the main points of broadcasts on subjects I am familiar with and others that are of personal interest as long as the language is relatively slow and clear.

Subject Focus: Speaking
1] I can speak about recurring topics when I am in the country where the language is spoken.
2] I can keep on talking in a spontaneous conversation on themes I am familiar with e.g. of personal interest or related to everyday life such as family, free time, school, travelling and current affairs.
3] I can speak by putting phrases together in order to describe experiences and events, personal goals and my ambitions.
4] I can give reasons in short and explanations for opinions and personal plans through speech.
5] I can tell a story or describe the plot of a book/film whilst describing my reactions to them.
2] I can keep on talking in a spontaneous conversation on themes I am familiar with e.g. of personal interest or related to everyday life such as family, free time, school, travelling and current affairs.

3] I can speak by putting phrases together in order to describe experiences and events, personal goals and my ambitions.

4] I can give reasons in short and explanations for opinions and personal plans through speech.
5] I can tell a story or describe the plot of a book/film whilst describing my reactions to them.